Mr. Kunstler lays it out well. Please go to his webpage to read his analysis.
The Magic Moment in which the blob army is about to flip
This is the opportunity of our lifetimes to make the world anew, to bring down the criminal oligarchy that controls our lives, and build a new nation.
“The net result of all this is Western Civilization saturating itself in lies. It appears that Covid-19 was well into development when it was adopted by the blob and its protectors in the Democratic Party to use as a means for finally getting rid of President Trump in 2020 after RussiaGate and a fake impeachment failed. The introduction of poorly-tested mRNA vaccines — actually developed by the US Department of Defense and licensed out to Pfizer and Moderna — looks like it was intended to mitigate Covid-19 after it had accomplished its task of enabling election ballot fraud to get a patsy president, “Joe Biden,” into the White House. But the vaccines turned out to be a gigantic and deadly botch. And once they were sold to the public, and the vaccine companies made billions, and people started dying and getting gross illnesses, everybody involved in the vast blob network had to keep on lying to cover up their crimes.”
So yes, the crimes were in the production of the weapon and the criminal negligence that followed the release of the countermeasure. The blob network is comprised of hundreds of thousands of people in governments, corporations, and healthcare systems all over the world but especially in the United States.
“What follows from here in this new civil war of truth against untruth is that untruth will lose because untruth is fundamentally unsound and can’t stand on its own. The US bureaucratic blob, like the fictional product Soylent Green, is people. There are, obviously thousands of them, virtually a whole army, guilty of crimes. The whistleblowers are popping out all over now. We’re approaching the magic moment when the whole blob army flips and rats out each other in the attempt to save their asses. Wait for it.”
That magic moment will be sweet. Volatile but sweet. Then we take over. Are you with me?
That's the least of our problems!
COVID was designed as a primer for even more lethal COVID haccines:
- Wake up videos:
Weaponization of vaccines:
And finally, Pfizer deliberately added a sequence of the carcinogenic monkey virus SV40 and human DNA:
Let's hope so ... they will go down kicking and screaming if at all. Resistance is still high and they have the money and the governments. Add to that the complete apathy of most people, including parents and loved ones of victims completely unwilling to even ask the question; could this be caused by the "vaccine"? The odds are stacked, I sure hope you are right but this appears to be an unrealistic, overly optimistic view. They will cheat again in the next election as mail-in voting, complete with drop boxes and ballot harvesting is here to stay. In the coming 4-years they will cement their reality and most people will blindly follow. That seems more realistic, sorry for this response but that article just encourages people to continue on with their mindlessness. I am not sure what will ever wake them up.