President Trump still refuses to acknowledge his role in what we did to people in hospitals in 2020, and what we must do about it now. He appears to be suffering from a delusion.
This needs to be addressed now because the President keeps nominating people who were COVID 19 debacle enablers.
I watched this poignant video again this morning, courtesy of the great Midwestern Doctor. Every American should watch this video. In it, whistleblower Nurse Erin explains how hospitals killed thousands of patients for profit with ventilators. Poor people came into the New York hospitals with relatively minor ailments and stress, and because of government incentive pay to the hospitals and the providers, they were misdiagnosed with COVID 19, put on unnecessary medications, intubated, and died. This was mass homicide for profit.
Some facts are so traumatic that the human mind just refuses to acknowledge them. That appears to explain what is happening to President Trump. Otherwise, how can the President’s behavior be explained? Thus an intervention may be necessary.
The Nurse Erin video contains evidence that President Trump was told that ventilators were necessary and life-saving and he believed them. President Trump believed people were dying in the thousands from COVID 19 illness in New York Hospitals in 2020, when in fact they were dying from misdiagnosis, malpractice, and iatrogenic medicine. Trump moved mountains with the best intentions to provide solutions for people that ended up killing and maiming them. In addition to the emergency procurement of ventilators to hospitals, the Operation Warp Speed military operation was the culmination of that misguided effort, that was based on bad information given to President Trump, some of it undoubtedly mercenary.
Furthermore, somebody made the fateful decision to create COVID-specific incentive pay for hospitals. So far, I do not believe we have been told who in the Trump Administration made that decision. Those incentives for COVID 19 diagnosis, ventilation, Remdesivir, and other treatments led to the death of hundreds of thousands of patients in the United States alone. Yet, nothing has happened. There has not been an accounting or a reckoning. No process analysis has been done and nobody has anyone taken responsibility for this cataclysmic error.
President Trump continues to say Operation Warp Speed, the military countermeasure development program, was a wonderful life-saving initiative, even though we now know the COVID so-called vaccines did not work at all and they killed millions of people and disabled hundreds of millions of people worldwide. Speeding up their development and release was the worst thing we could have done.
President Trump continues to nominate the COVID deluded to his Administration. He is doing this, apparently because he is still deluded himself. This is dangerous.
Here is my suggestion for what it is worth.
The people in the Trump orbit must do an intervention with President Trump, who is clearly in a mental health impairment. That would mean a team of five trusted men and women who are reality-informed about the COVID debacle would give him the actual truth about the hospital iatrogenesis, the military PSYOP, and the vaccine harms. These people would demand of Trump that he do a national press conference to explain to the world what happened, what he now understands, and the steps he will be taking after January 20 to make things right. If President Trump refuses to do the right thing because of his psychological defensive posture, these advisors would remove their support from the President and let him know they will be backing an impeachment process after January 20, because revealing the truth about a crime against humanity and gaining justice for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people is more important than a relationship with a President, or any other person. Any person who refuses to do this now, after the election, and benefits from a relationship with President Trump remains an enabler to a crime against humanity.
President Trump won the presidential election, so there is no danger now that we will be stuck with a tyrannical Democrat in the White House for another four years. There are many competent reality-based nationalists that could assume the presidency and do the right thing when it comes to the COVID 19 crimes if Trump cannot do it. For instance, J.D. Vance has already expressed a more accurate understanding about the COVID vaccines than President Trump. One would imagine Vance has a more reality-based understanding of the PSYOP and the hospital protocol homicides too, and thus would give us a full accounting of the events that is necessary for the country to have their trust in government institutions and the healthcare system restored.
After the intervention, those same five truth-tellers would go on War Room with Steve Bannon, The Joe Rogan Experience, or Tucker Carlson Presents, and explain to the public exactly what they told President Trump with their demands that he take action on their recommendations. The goal would be to box President Trump in so that he has no choice but to let go of his delusion or resign the presidency.
This bold approach is extremely harsh, and it must be because this ongoing crime is insidious, and one of the most significant events in world history. The COVID jabs continue to harm people and there has been lasting damage from the entire event that could still be mitigated by an honest reckoning and corrective action. There is simply no moral choice but to expose this crime more broadly and to make our national leaders take action on behalf of humanity.
Now is a time for revolutionary truth, even if expressing that truth seems disloyal. One’s loyalty should always be to God above man. President Trump is not God. He is a man that is suffering from a delusion and needs an earthly intervention from people who love him but love humanity more.
I wish it were not so.
Edit 5PM 112524
Greg Reese weighed in on this issue this morning with some powerful video clips to make my point. Reese aptly entitled the video, Trump Surrounding Himself with Operation Warp Speed Accomplices. Oh boy this is maddening.
Well said! 100% ~ An intervention definitely is needed . . . Otherwise these heinous crimes against humanity will simply be memory holed. . . .
New link absent.