Since COVID Vaccine shedding is real and the effects on the victims are serious, it is legitimate that unvaccinated people would ask about vaccination status and interval since last injection.
Institutions should consider voluntary or mandatory bans of people that recently received the injections. Individuals might also voluntarily avoid high-risk environments.
If you are COVID unvaccinated and healthy and want to stay that way you should probably ask anyone you are about to encounter in close proximity if they have received the COVID Vaccine and when they received it.
Furthermore, institutions should probably implement a ban on people that recently received the COVID Vaccine or booster to protect others from toxic exposure.
A recent landmark study just proved that the toxic components in the COVID vaccine can be spread from person to person via exhalation. Yes, by breathing.
From Peters (2024) “Our findings suggest possible indirect transmission of ingredients or products of the COVID-19 vaccines, presumably through shedding, from people who received one or more of the COVID-19 injections.”
It has long been perceived that toxic shedding can occur from close personal contact like sexual relations or blood/saliva secretions. Blood transfusions from COVID vaccinated to unvaccinated persons are obviously concerning. Now we have proof that shedding can also occur when a contaminated person simply breathes on another.
This is frightening.
It appears that the best indication we have so far is that shedding can occur within a 28-day window from time of injection. My guess is that interval is an underestimate, and we need further research, but it does give us one parameter we might use to influence individual self-protection choices and to create public health prescriptions.
This might be a good time to say this. Yours truly was never against mitigation practices like physical distancing, masking, lockdowns, or even mandatory vaccines if it had been proven conclusively that those measures worked or were necessary to ensure public health. I always maintained a science-based Communitarian/Nationalist perspective, not a libertarian perspective. I hold that same perspective today. I often said, “This is stupid. It will not work.”, not “They do not have a right to do this to me.” I realize that many of you disagree with me, but I want to be clear about my stance.
As a systems analyst, I like to synthesize information for my readers and infer the implications of events. I let other people do the research and lay out the data.
Can you imagine the pressure that could be put on the biopharmaceutical industry and their government accomplices in crime if people started boycotting relationships and environments to whom and at where they were concerned they could be victims of toxic exposure? It may be time that we exert such pressure on our acquaintances, and the environments we inhabit. The result might be that more people would eschew the COVID vaccines completely and governments would finally ban them.
Astute, unvaccinated readers will see the poetic justice in such a group boycott and mitigation response as this was precisely what was done to us in 2021. So far, yours truly has not boycotted any vaccine-contaminated relationships but I am close to doing so. I do not have sexual relations with anyone who has been COVID vaccinated and I avoid getting anywhere near bodily secretions. I am making arrangements to store my own blood for the potential that I could require a transfusion in the future.
This has enormous implications for environmental health regulations generally. We will never create a perfectly safe environment, nor should we try, but we can take steps to stop obvious and serious contamination about which we have control.
I do not want to alarm you. I want to empower you to take back your world from the evil transhumanists that contaminated it without your consent. You have power.
In this increasingly contaminated physical world, every person should be optimizing his/her immune system with diet, exercise, and vitamin supplementation. We should also be making good risk-management choices. I wish it were easier to live a decent and healthful existence, but this is the lot that has been cast for us by the misguided technocrats and the pollution freaks that dominate our public spaces.