For years I have been lamenting the fact that the conservative tribe is all talk and no action. That movement is full of complainers.
This complaining is accompanied by the magical thinking we hear from some of the externalizing God-Folk. Soon, God is going to do something about all of this. Or, my favorite, Only God can intervene now. Or, The White Hats are coming! This is just a more infantile version of powerless complaining.
Starting with Rush Limbaugh and extending to the massive talk radio industry that has blossomed since the 1980’s, the conservative world has been all talk and no action. Limbaugh could have used his massive influence to organize people to action. Instead he complained incessantly for three hours every day about the liberalism bogeyman. The result? Millions of angry, frustrated white men and women driving around in their cars and doing nothing because Limbaugh had given them the illusion that their feelings were being validated. What a waste.
Then every so often they go vote and hope that will accomplish something. It does not. Civilization continues to decline.
What does the Marxist Red Guard do? They organize and take action. They do not waste their energies listening to complainers. They do stuff.
Almost without exception I offer concrete solutions and action steps in all of my writing and vlogging because I see no advantage to whining about anything. I guide people to action. I formed a protest church and wrote a book to organize our people and attenuate those action steps. I did not try to write a great treatise to explain to the world with several thousand references just how bad everything is all around us. We know that already! I do not let people complain to me in therapy or coaching. I see so many commentators talking about waking people up and exposing the evil around us. Everything is exposed! The population that matters is awake! It is time for action.
We have become the guy with the beer belly at the coffee shop complaining to his buddies about his nagging wife and his tyrannical boss.
Our responsibility as populist crusaders for our people is to rise up in a courageous chorus of assertive, non-violent resistance to defend our nation. We must take the money we are spending and the bandwidth we are using complaining and shift that fuel to resistance activities and the development of new systems. Let’s start today.
The following are concrete suggestions that could make a difference. Please add your actionable ideas below in the comments.
Cultural Secession- Resist everything from the popular culture. Everything.
Do Not Participate - A more tangible mandate of the resistance philosophy.
The most important - stop supporting all popular entertainment.
Support only wholesome entertainment created by our people.
Stop being patriotic - The U.S. State is the enemy of our people.
Forget America First. Put our people first.
Stop hanging with regulars (my latest word for the enemy). Shun them.
Certainly do not date them.
Buy local.
Support small businesses you know and love.
Do not support businesses that are trying to hurt you.
Do not ever go to chain restaurants.
Homeschool your children with co-ops.
Form other alliances with resistors.
Be healthy.
Eat healthy (Do not buy processed, corporate foods).
Dress neatly.
Avoid vices.1
Purchase land in friendly territory.
Avoid going to cities.
Grow your own food sources.
Start a small business that makes something essential.
Build things.
Gradually withdraw from the medical establishment and support healthcare innovators.
Stop vaxing.
Wean from pharmaceuticals with the help of dissident doctors.
Limit social media
Eliminate Google and Facebook.
Spend most of your life outside in nature.
Build real relationships with authentic people.
Avoid NPC’s
Know our history.
Act with courage always.